♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Ketan Hitam tabur kelapa / Indonesian steamed Black glutinous rice with palm sugar syrup

This is my breakfast this morning, Steamed black glutinous rice with slightly savory shredded coconut then flush with palm sugar syrup. This type of food is generally can be found at morning time in Indonesian "kampoong" /alleys. But sometimes people eat it as snack at their tea time.

Serve about 4 shares.

  • 250 grams of black rice, soaked overnight
  • pandan leaves
  • Grated coconut and a half old (*)
  • pinch of salt
Brown sugar syrup:
  • 200 grams of brown sugar
  • 100 grams of red sugar (brown sugar)
  • about 150 ml of water
  • pandan leaves (you can use vanilla but pandan gives you more authentic aroma)
(*) I use dried coconut added a few tablespoons of warm water and cook briefly with a pinch of salt over low heat until moist coconut absorbs water.

How to make:
Wash the glutinous black rice, and steamed along with pandan leaves about 45 min. Move to the pan and pour enough boiling water (no need to submerged), if too much water, you will end up with too mushy glutinous rice. Stir until absorb all the water (note: you can heat over low heat just until water dry)
Steamed about 45 mins until cooked thoroughly.

Steamed grated coconut and a pinch of salt. Set aside. Note: Use chinese bamboo steamer lined with aluminium foil/ baking paper.  Pin your aluminium foil/ baking paper with fork/ knife.

For sugar syrup, cook all the ingredients until the sugar dissolves and thickens.

Serve sticky rice on a plate, sprinkle with grated coconut and pour the sugar syrup.
Bahasa Indonesia

  • 250 gr ketan hitam, rendam semalaman
  • daun pandan
  • Kelapa parut setengah tua(*)
  • sejumput garam
Syrup gula merah:
  • 200 gr gula merah
  • 100 gr gula pasir merah (brown sugar)
  • sekitar 150 ml air
  • daun pandan (atau bisa gunakan vanilla)
(*) Saya gunakan kelapa kering ditambah beberapa sendok air hangat dan masak sebentar dengan sejumput garam diatas api kecil hingga kelapa lembab menyerap air.

Cara membuat:
Cuci beras ketan hitam, lalu kukus bersama daun pandan kurleb 45 mnt. Pindah ke panci dan tuangi air mendidih secukupnya (tidak perlu sampai terendam), jika terlalu banyak air, ketan hitam akan lembek. Aduk-aduk hingga ketan meyerap semua air.
Kukus kembali kurleb 45 mnt hingga matang.

Kukus parutan kelapa dan sejumput garam. Sisihkan.

Untuk syrup gula, masak semua bahan hingga gula larut dan mengental.

Sajikan ketan diatas piring, taburi dengan kelapa parut dan siram dengan syrup gula merah.


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